Tami Brantley, Class of 1982
I became a designer/illustrator in advertising for 13 years. (I lucked
out with a great job right out of HS).
In that time gave birth to 3 great kids who are now;
Jackson 19: 2nd year film major @ Univ. of Loyola (LA) ;
Sara 16: Junior @ West;
Emily 11: in 6th grade.
Left advertising to start up a resturant with my hubby of 20 years (20
Oct. of this year, yep right out of HS!) called Prospero's (West High people
know good food, you know who you all are and thank you!). Learned the fine
art of gourmet cuisine over a six year time period. Just closed the resturant
to go back to illustrating and am working on a cookbook as author/illustrator
and a line of handpainted ceramics. WHEW!